Printing and Bookmaking
This was my first time using typesetting with my woodcuts.
I sized the pages so that the Boxcar Press plates could be printed using my Blick Baby Press. I then aligned the woodcuts and hand printed the images.
The Reject Pile
Not having access to a full sized printing press, I had to make due with what I had. It took several tries to get the alignment to an acceptable point. I also had to get a feel for how much pressure to use on my mini press for the Boxcar Press plates.
For every final print, there is a giant reject pile in the background. Learning involves a bunch of screw ups, a bunch of research, and a bunch of frustration. There have been many times during this project where I was real worried I wouldn’t be able to get consistent prints.
This whole project came out of a desire to make a book similar to one you would see during the Medieval/early Renaissance periods. Much thanks to Dr. Sara Witty for showing me how to make my first leather journal.
I was also heavily influenced by Prelo Prints based out of Denmark. If I had the time, money, patience, and a replica of a Gutenberg printing press…
This was the most anxiety-inducing part of the project. I have gained more respect for printing presses after having to try to align the hand-printed woodblocks to the typesetting plates.
I managed to come up with a system that works well-enough. No finished page is “perfect”, thus any further editions I make of this book, or single pages I print, will be unique in their own way.
I have several images of the process in the gallery below.